Long-Distance Hiking Trails
Overview of all WandernDeluxe Long-Distance Hiking Trails
GPS hiking & smartphone apps
Instructions for GPS hiking with smartphone apps
Travel planning & travel preparation
Travel planning and hiking with minimal luggage
We are avid long-distance hikers and love to be out and about in nature for a few days on vacation with just a backpack! We particularly like the rather unknown, Mediterranean long-distance hiking trails. The combination of mountains and sea and the opportunity to spend the night in beautiful and mostly very individual accommodations are always a reason for us to dream of the next hiking holiday!
Because there are often no hiking guides to these hiking destinations (or at least none that are aimed at long-distance hikers who prefer multi-day tours), we started to document our trips online. We had the research effort for the tour, stage and overnight planning anyway, until the first own online hiking guide was then only a small step.
In the meantime, several independent hiking websites have been created in this way. Here at www.wanderndeluxe.de we want to give an overview of "our" long-distance hiking trails.
Have fun discovering and being inspired!