Outdooractive - the outdoor app for GPS hiking

outdoor active

If you have your own GPS device from Garmin or similar, you are of course excellently equipped for hiking. For all other long-distance hikers who do not want to buy a GPS device, we recommend using a smartphone map app such as that from Outdooractive (Link: outdooractive.com/mobile-app.html). This allows many functions of a GPS device to be brought to the smartphone. The free Outdooractive app is available for all common smartphones (including Android and iOS), but some of the functions are chargeable or at least require a user account:

  • GPX file import: Import of GPS routes or GPX files as we offer them for download on our website. A (free) user account with Outdooractive is required for this.
  • Hiking map and location determination: Determine your own location and display the surrounding map. The map material is optimized for outdoor activities; either an active data connection or the paid offline mode is required to use it.
  • Offline mode: Download outdoor maps and save them to your smartphone for offline use. This requires a paid PRO membership. The current prices for the PRO membership can be found here: Outdooractive: Prices for the PRO membership.

PS: Outdooractive is the successor to the popular ViewRanger app that we originally presented here. We have therefore updated the post accordingly.

Do you have any further questions? Then write to me! I then try to add a corresponding instruction.


  1. Christine Landgraf
    20 October 2017

    Hello Frank,

    find your route well worked out. For this, you deserve a huge compliment and a big thank you.
    I will run the way with my daughter in 3 weeks. Since I am not good at reading maps, I will take my Garmin GPS device with me. Can I, and if so, how can I somehow bring the route to my GPS since I am not running on a smartphone?
    It would be a great thing for me if it worked.
    Very dear thanks

    1. Frank
      22 October 2017

      Hello Christine,

      Yes, the gpx file format in which our route downloads are stored is a fairly common file format that Garmin GPS devices can also process. How exactly the import of gpx files works with Garmin devices depends on the device type. A common method is, for example, using the software Garmin BaseCamp, Many Garmin devices also support import directly via USB file transfer. I have a relatively clear description here found. I hope this helps you further!

  2. Robert
    March 7, 2018

    Hello Frank,
    I found your way here via your La Gomera GR-132 website. You like to refer to the ViewRanger app. Since I use a modern Windows 10 Mobile device, i.e. neither an overpriced iPhone nor a security-related Swiss cheese like Android, I installed an app there for the display of GPX tracks. Unfortunately your GPX data is somehow incorrect or too imprecise, the app reports errors. Then I bought a very popular UWP (Universal Windows Platform) app for € 9,99, your GPX data is also opened there, but then acknowledged with error messages. I didn't want to believe any of that, so I registered with OpenStreetMap.org and uploaded your files there (private, without publication). OSM then sent me six emails: The following error occurred during import: “Found no good GPX points in the input data”. Human being, you have such good descriptions and websites. On the La Gomera website you have integrated the maps via Thunderforest / OpenStreetMap / OpenCycleMap. Would it be possible that you simply put a link to OpenCycle / StreetMap on the page so that you can see all 6 sections in full screen at OSM / OCM? That would be great. Or just send me a link by email. Thank you so much!

    1. Frank
      March 8, 2018

      Hello Robert!
      Thank you for your comment! Such feedback is always extremely helpful. I was able to understand the import error with OSM and found the following cause of the error: OSM only supports the import of GPX tracks, not the import of GPX routes.
      Background: There are two types of routes in GPX files: routes and tracks. In terms of the idea, routes are given routes (“you should go this route”) and tracks are routes that have actually been taken using GPS. In the case of our GPX file downloads, we have defined the routes as routes.
      For copy-right reasons, OSM probably only supports the upload of (self-recorded) tracks. GPX routes are rejected with the error message "Found no good GPX points in the input data". The cause of the error could be identical for your app.
      Solution: GPX routes can be converted to GPX tracks with a simple trick. Open the GPX file with a text editor and replace the three letters “rte” in all places with “trk”. In the test at OSM, I did not receive an error message afterwards.

      I hope this helps you further!


      1. Robert
        March 9, 2018

        Hello Frank,
        unbelievable, the import worked. Unfortunately I only see one point in OSM and not the route or all waypoints. Maybe I'm doing something wrong: I go to "My GPS-Tracks" on OSM and then to one of the uploaded ones, and then to "Map". Apparently it only shows me the start coordinate of the track. :(

        1. Frank
          March 10, 2018

          Hi robert,
          I'm not that familiar with OSM, but I found the following possible answer to your problem:
          In the meantime, however, I have expanded the embedded maps on our website to include a full-screen option and the option of displaying your own location on the map. This does not replace a full-fledged outdoor GPS app, but it may be very helpful as an emergency solution.

          1. Robert
            March 11, 2018

            Somehow it's unbelievable that OSM cannot officially display routes. But I was born in the wrong century anyway. Thank you for the fullscreen option, so I can at least view the maps on a large screen and take a screenshot of them and print them out in good quality. You definitely don't want to constantly look at a smartphone while hiking.

  3. Robert
    March 18, 2018

    Hello mister,
    I now have two solutions to offer: (1) The Microsoft app GPX viewer and recorder spits out an error message when loading a GPX file (regardless of whether postprocessed as recommended by you or not) but then shows the waypoints and the route on. There is no error message for GPX files from Rother Verlag; You could find out what it is, but it is no longer important to me. (2) Jürgen Berkemeier's website [1] allows GPX files to be uploaded and not only shows the route with waypoints, but also the altitude and the percentage gradient. A great preparation tool.
    Many thanks,

    [1] https://www.j-berkemeier.de/ShowGPX.html

    1. Frank
      March 18, 2018

      Hi Robert,
      great, then your hike can start :-)
      Thank you for the link, I'll take a closer look at it.

  4. Robert
    18 April 2018

    Hello Frank,
    We were on La Gomera from April 1st to 10th and followed your footsteps. The first stage is pretty tough, but after that it's great. Apart from one shortcut, we followed the instructions; the accommodations weren't quite the same as your recommendations, but almost. The Hotel Rural Ibo Alfaro had the best service, the Hotel Jardín de Concha simply had a great location and view - magical. We spent the last few days in San Sebastián and then "only" went to the two beaches Guancha and El Cabrito. Unfortunately a bit sad: even on these remote beaches there is no shortage of plastic bags flying around. Otherwise, great and thank you for your work. I'll probably write my travel report on Medium.com then

    1. Frank
      18 April 2018

      Hi Robert,
      great, thank you for your feedback! Then I'll have a look at your blog soon and look forward to the travel report!

  5. Hubert
    25 November 2019

    Hello Frank,
    I had already contacted you about GR132. We have rescheduled now and would like to go on your trip to the Amalfi Coast in May 2020. What I did not find are GPS data for the hike for Garmin (possibly also available for purchase). Do you have a tip. I'm not the IT superuser now!
    Thank you in advance. Many greetings

    1. Frank
      25 November 2019

      Hello Hubert,
      So actually Garmin should also “be able to” the GPX file format. Have you tried that You can find the GPX downloads for the Amalfi Coast at https://www.amalfi-wanderweg.de/category/kartenmaterial/, If you tell me what other file format you need, I can convert it for you if necessary.

  6. Susan Gnann
    June 4, 2021

    Hello Frank,
    Viewranger has joined forces with Outdoor active. I have the feeling that you can only download the Outdoor active app.
    And since I'm more of a digital beginner, my question: how do I get the route in there ???
    Thanks for the info

    1. Susanne
      June 6, 2021

      I've already done it. Goes exactly as you described it at viewranger ...
      How is that - do I see my location when I'm on the route?

      1. Frank
        June 6, 2021

        Hi Susan,
        yes exactly, you will then also see your location. You can try that out at home. The route is then just very far away, but you can zoom out. Because of ViewRanger and Outdoor-Active, I'll have to adjust my site soon. Unfortunately I haven't gotten to it yet.

  7. Clever
    June 24, 2021

    would like to know what membership in ViewRanger will cost me?
    Annual subscription or monthly subscription?

    1. Frank
      June 24, 2021

      ViewRanger was bought by Outdooractive in the meantime. The ViewRanger platform will therefore no longer be further developed sooner or later. So far, the basic version of ViewRanger was free. However, new subscriptions are no longer being sold because the ViewRanger platform is to be merged with the Outdooractive platform.
      I'm still looking for and trying out which GPS app I can recommend with a good heart ...

  8. Lynda
    21 Maj 2023

    Hi Frank. My girlfriend and I are hiking your route in 2 weeks. I have downloaded the Outdooractive app. If I subscribe to Pro, do I have SOS? Do you know how dependable it is? I have a Garmen Inreach but will not take it if the Outdooractive is sufficient.
    So how limited is cell service? Will the Outdooractive SOS work without cell service?
    thanks We are very excited to make the trek but we are seniors and want to be safe.

    1. Frank
      26 Maj 2023

      Hello Lynda,
      Garmin Inreach's SOS function is based on satellite communication - so it's helpful for precisely those cases where there is no mobile phone reception. Accordingly, the Outdooractive smartphone app does not have a comparable SOS function - the smartphone lacks satellite communication for this. I therefore recommend Outdooractive especially for navigation with GPS data.
      Which route do you want to hike?

  9. Eileen O'Connor
    September 11, 2023

    Hello Frank I am unable to print my walks/routes on my desktop although I was able to do so from Viewranger. This is a great disappointment as I am not very techie. I have a new desktop using Windows 11. I had to export route first in Viewranger. It seemed to make a difference that I lived in Ireland. Eileen


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